Q. Where is the Online Car Booty ?
A. It runs online, just click GO BOOTING at the top of the page.
Q. Can I sell new goods at the Online Car Boot Sale ?
A. YES. You can sell new & used goods as well as offering services.
Q. How do I book a stall ?
A. Book through the BOOK A STALL page via the SELL menu, then upload via STALL SET UP also available through the SELL menu option.
Q. I've booked a stall but I can't upload ?
A. If the Online Car Boot Sale has already started (Sunday 3pm) you will be selling for the following Sunday
and will be able to upload from Monday onwards.
Q. My pictures won't upload?
A. Try just one at a time, clear browser history, try on a different computer/device.
Q. I cannot log in ?
A. if FORGOT PASSWORD isn't working, try clearing your cookies and try a different browser or device
to eliminate what is happening. It you still can't log in, contact us and we will help you.